November 17, 2019
Getting the most out of your travel experiences

How To Get More From Your Travel Experiences

You got the passport. Researched the destination. Packed your bags and hit the road. Rinse. Reuse. Repeat the process. I know, I know, I know…the all-to-familiar […]
February 5, 2018
The Great Pyramids

Exploring Egypt: The Beginning of a Transformative Travel Lifestyle

Welcome…Welcome home brother.   Those were the first words I heard while walking the streets of Cairo. My very first international trip abroad. Exploring Egypt was […]
January 23, 2018
Transformational Travel: Discovering yourself and discovering the world through exploration

Transformational Travel: Discovering Yourself By Discovering The World

I remember when I first started traveling internationally. The only transfers I was concerned with were the ones that took place at airports. Somewhere along the […]
September 9, 2017
Local faces at art gallery

Local Faces, Local Lives of the World: Colombia Edition

It’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey.   Taking that one step further, even more important than both the destination and the journey are […]