March 17, 2016

The Cure for a Sweet Tooth: Open the Kandy Jar!

Before you correct my spelling, I’m not talking about that kind of candy. I’ll admit it though, prior to visiting Sri Lanka I had never even […]
March 14, 2016

Nihon-GO! 5 Awesome Places In Japan Other Than Tokyo

Ok, so maybe Tokyo is the world’s biggest city. And perhaps when you think of Japan, the bright lights and skyline of the Japanese capital are […]
March 7, 2016

A Weekend In Prague

Growing up in a middle class, hard-working dual-income family household, I witnessed my parents work long hours to provide for our family, but never take the […]
September 7, 2015
Market Day Time Travel

Market Day Time Travel

Time framed in memories. The future awaits paintings of the past with the ink of the present-day. Time traveling   Money exchanged goods and man-made produce […]