Seated in thought
Today’s post is an oldie but goodie from The Collection. Sometimes in life we need to look back in order to get ahead, so looking back at old pieces and re-reading old thoughts has me thinking, “Da#m it feels good to be writing again!” And in all honesty, this whole process has been kind of like riding a bike–after years of no practice, that is. A little nervous at first, somewhat shaky, not wanting anyone to see me fall…but eventually able to hop back on that seat and ride like once before. Well, the following piece is dedicated to me hopping back on that seat. With that said, if there’s anything you’ve been putting off in your life that you are passionate about, just remember that it’s never too late.
feelings static as systematic thoughts sway
love’s magnetic pull struggles to stick
and souls slowly shift apart
shifting opinions but firm in heart
firmly knowing that life is hard
but hardly wanting to make decisions of the heart
so emotional incisions persist
caught between a rock and hard place
a smile and a hard face
repeatedly I pace
down the roads of my heart’s mind
trodding through a darkened path
weathered by the screams of my soul
I fall…
not defeated
but in thought—seated.
E.G. Young