August 22, 2015
killer BEs

The Killer BEs: Working Toward Your Goals

Limits exist only in the mind. Bzzzzzz…The Killer BEs are swarming! A motivated mind is one of the most powerful weapons on the planet.  An individual […]
August 21, 2015
Kilimanjaro through the trees

Failure is not an option: Top 5 reasons goals are not met

Failure, as I see it, is no reason to hold your head down…just further motivation to succeed. 5.  Fear of failure Fear is like a disease, […]
August 20, 2015
walk the talk with actions

Walk the Talk: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Words describe what we want…Actions produce who we are. Don’t talk the talk…speak with your actions Yesterday, I spoke about setting goals.  It’s one thing to […]
August 19, 2015
Baby steps

Baby Steps

It takes more than one step to reach the mountaintop. “Baby steps get on the bus…baby steps down the steps…” Famous words from Bill Murray’s […]