Binn There, Done That…wouldn’t do it again!
In my most recent workation to Medellin, Colombia, I stumbled upon the Binn Hotel. Great reviews, clean, and a new property in the popular El Poblado district. Based on those characteristics—I figured I scored a homerun!
Don’t get me wrong, Binn Hotel is a lovely property. The place was spotless. The breakfast buffet, included with the room booking, had a decent assortment of items; AND the rooms were spacious. But in hotels, as in life, it’s the little things that count…with that said, I was turned off immediately upon arrival. Check in time was 2:00pm. I arrived around 5:00pm and…
“I’m sorry sir, your room is not ready. Can you wait about 20 minutes?”
“No problem.”
…time passes by
“Actually, since check in is at 2:00pm and the room still isn’t ready, could I get a room upgrade for my wait? I’ve had a long day of travel.”
“Umm. Wait a minute, please.”
…more time passes by
“I can give you a beer.”
“Thanks. But I’ve had a long day of travel and I really just want to rest right now.”
“Wait a minute please, sir.”
…Several more minutes pass by
“Ok, I have a room for you.”
I guess I should have just taken the beer and been happy with that! In all honesty, after a one hour flight I really didn’t have a long day of travel. I did; however, want to just kick off my boots, order some food, and crash a bit though.
The room itself was pretty sweet. That is, until I opened my curtain and realized I was directly in front of a busy street. It didn’t matter much at the time, but once bedtime rolled around the noise from outside forced me to sleep with my headphones in since I didn’t have earplugs. The next morning, after breakfast, I woke up to the stark realization that the hotel location was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Although, they publicize it as the popular district of the city…its position was far from ideal.
Given my restless first night, I requested a room on a higher floor, away from the noise of the adjacent road. At first overjoyed by my new, 14th floor room, that initial jubilation quickly evaporated once night fell. With no noise protocols in place and paper-thin walls, I was subjected to the racket from neighboring room parties well into the morning hours. Now, I’m normally not the type of guy to complain about hotel neighbors, but I after tossing and turning I made a simple request for management to ask my neighbors to quiet down or perhaps find me another room once again. Much to my dismay…neither happened.
Binn Hotel is a newer property that, for the price point, isn’t a bad deal. Sadly, the surrounding area doesn’t have much to offer and the management could perhaps work on their people skills a bit. If I visited Medellin once more would I stay there again? Unfortunately, the answer this time is no.
In the comments below, share a poor/bad hotel experience you’ve had in the past.
Ow. Working away from home and getting a room for yourself to have that peace and quiet kind of life even for a short while is but a necessity. Sadly, that hotel wasn’t able to give you that peace and quiet accommodation. I hope as months and years pass by, the hotel management would improve and finally something to give to their clients the peace they deserve.
Love the interior design. I bet the experience was great.
Not sure what happened to my last comment but love the modern setting and the fact that it is very quiet. Sounds great for travelers on the go.
Thanks for your honesty. It was dark in there anyways…
Oh, that sounds like the worst experience! I would’ve left them a review detailing my bad experience for sure.
Oh shucks! How unfortunate for you. I guess they should take note of your feedback to make their service better. Odd that they didn’t have a ready room for you at 5pm.
WOW! Sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience bad reviews are never fun to write about. I would share concerns with management in hopes they work toward improving their overall guest experience.
I am so sorry you did not have a great experience. Thank you for sharing and letting others out there know!
Oh My God! I’m sorry you had a bad experience. I too prefer price option a lot but if management is not perfect, hotel always gets negative views. Location matters a lot for any hotel.
I feel your pain on an unpleasant hotel stay. I’m pretty patient when it comes to lots of things like this, but noisy neighbors always makes me cranky. I’d be tempted to drop a note to corporate or the hotel management an let them know how things went. If they’re good, I’d think they would be interested in constructive feedback
I actually did drop a note, no response as of yet, but at least now they know.
Sorry to hear that you had such an uncomfortable experience! Yeah, really sad! It’s really strange…
You would think having arrived 3 hours after the check in time they would have the room ready really. It’s awful when you have bad experiences at hotels as it can ruin a holiday. They should have done something about those noisy neighbours!
Yes, even a simple apology the next day would have been sufficient.
OMG! I would have been so upset. If you say check in is at a specific time I expect that. They should have over compensated you for it.
Ikr! The “I can give you a beer” line was such a joke.
That’s so sad. I also don’t like to happen that with me when I get the chance to travel.
I like how you play with words here. So sorry you had a bad experience there and it is good that you shared the information here, finally I am reading something honest and not just people lying about their experience.
Thank you. There’s a lot of fluff going around the internet, and although I’m an extremely positive person, I think it’s important to highlight the good as well as the bad.
That is such a shame that they didn’t offer you a better room and that the surroundings were noisy. What a shame x
I love to travel and have had my fair share of hotels that are terrible like Binn Hotel. I hope they analyze what they’re lacking and improve on it! This is disappointing.
Oh no, that doesn’t sound like the best experience! How frustrating that your room wasn’t ready, even though it was well past check-in time! I had a similar experience recently. I arrived off the plane to a hotel at 9:30am (check in was 2pm) and I asked if I could check in early. They said they would get me in at 12pm. The airline had lost my luggage too, so I was feeling a little out of sorts, and then the hotel didn’t let me check in until 2:20pm! So annoyed! To top it off, they didn’t bother to tell me when my bags arrived either, so I rang the airline hoping to chase them up, only to be told they had been at the hotel for a few hours! Then when I asked reception for my bags, they claimed not to know what I was talking about! Ugh!! How do these people work in the service industry??
Anyway, sorry about my rant, I hope your next stay is a much more pleasant one!
By all means, rant away…that’s why I opened the discussion. That’s customer service at it’s worst! Did they at least find some way to make amends for the inconvenience they caused you??
I hate when you have a bad experience with a hotel! Everyone deserves to be comfortable, especially when you are not at home!
Exactly. The entire purpose of hotels is to provide that home away from home experience during business or travel.
Aw man that stinks! We stayed at a hotel that looked more like a motel in ATL that had terrible ants. We were just happy to be there though lol.
Haha, well on the bright side of that it could have been worse. Could have been bed bugs or cockroaches instead of ants.
It’s too bad about your poor experience with the hotel, unfortunately this happens way too often. In regards to the loud neighbors – did you try asking them to simmer down yourself? I know it’s not the best position to put yourself into, but I find that non-chain hotel staff is usually very afraid to confront their guests about anything, even it if means angering another customer. Hope your next trip is not going to follow suit!
I thought about heading over, but there’s no point putting myself in harms’ way of loud, drunken guests when the hotel has staff in place to handle that.
I hate when a hotel experience fails me. Hope you find a better location if you ever have to go back.
I’ve had bad experiences before with hotels but the location didn’t really bothered me. I think that if there is a bus nearby then it’s ok. The noise however, that would bother me. I need a good night sleep and I can’t get that if there noise around.
I’m the same way. Although I’m a heavy sleeper, once a bit of noise wakes me up it’s hard to get back to sleep.
I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but thanks for sharing this information!
Wow, I’ve never heard of this hotel before. But this certainly leaves much to be desired. I wouldn’t want to stay there either!
Thank you for the heads up. I travel a lot and location and silence are top priorities for me. Sorry you had such a terrible time and I will not be considering the Binn after this review.
Dang that sucks. If you’re registered on TripAdvisor, be sure to write a review about the experience so that others can be forewarned.
Sorry you had such a bad experience with this hotel. You might send a link to the management and you might just save someone else the annoyance :-(.
Good idea!
I’m sorry you had a bad experience. We stayed at Ibis when we visited Medellin, and I believe it was also in the Poblado district or wherever the business district is. We were very pleased with the location, service, facilities and the price. Stay there next time!
Thanks..will do!